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- How to stay productive while Content Writing
How to stay productive while Content Writing
Effective Strategies for Maintaining Focus
Hey hey hey, Dark chocolate Fan !
What's shaking in your cocoa world? I trust life is treating you sweeter than honey.
If not, then get ready because this newsletter is gonna be an exciting ride for you.
So, what’s the agenda for today? It is about “How to stay productive while Content Writing?”
Well! Before diving into it, let me tell you about my struggles as a content writer.
I suffer with ✨Snoozetopia✨, sounds fancy?
Well! Hey, I am Akanksha Shree, a Content Writer and a Professional Procrastinator who suffers a lot from being unproductive.
But, I have found a secret to be ✨Productive✨ while content writing!
Hmm, let me spill the beans.
Set Clear Objectives: Define specific goals for each writing session.
Establish a Routine: Create a writing schedule to build consistency.
Eliminate Distractions: Turn off notifications and use website blockers.
Break Down Tasks: Divide content into smaller, manageable sections.
Use Productivity Tools: Leverage tools like Grammarly for efficiency.
Take Strategic Breaks: Schedule short breaks to maintain focus.
Seek Feedback and Learn: Get input from others and continuously improve your skills.
And, most importantly, do not forget to reward yourself when you are productive all day long.
I love eating Panipuris when I achieve the unachievable, i.e. Productivity.
Why did I use the term unachievable? Understand this, there will be days when you might not be “Productive” and it’s normal, we are humans.
To me, Productivity is subjective, and I define it as - Setting some target and being able to finish it within time without any distractions.
If I did that, I would be productive and hence I reward myself with ✨pimple giving foods✨ lol.
Bonus tip? Well! I use apps like Forest for extra focus. It has really cool features, you must check it out.
And, the last bonus tip from my side is to follow the “Pomodoro Technique” where you take frequent breaks while working.
One thing that I recommend is not to check social media during that break because I find it extremely distracting.
I recommend checking out an app called “DeepStash” where you can read about multiple things and they are written in cards form so they’re pretty short.
I find it a good way to spend time while being productive!
Let’s see what Anirban has to say about this!

Gif by bucks on Giphy
Heyaaaa, Dark chocolate Fan welcome to the third edition, and sorry for the same boring entry
I have a fantastic person and my friend Akanksha for the third edition.
She already gave you some fantastic ways to deal with your productivity.
I will try to compete with her; I accept the defeat!
I used to use my phone, playing games late at night and, hell, whatnot.
I started improving my life when I realized it wasn’t too late.
It takes time when you are already on the wrong route.
Building good habits takes at least 21 days, and doing wrong only a day.
The best thing I did was to find my goals again and start working on them.
Meanwhile, I faced the biggest challenge of staying productive.
The reason was my mobile; I used to keep checking the notifications.
I still do it, but I am more productive than before
I believe 0 is better than -1
Well, there is too much filler and fluff.
(I don’t have much to say, you got it, Akanksha told it all )
I have a few suggestions for you
Focus on your goals
Build a habit
Start small
Break the goals into smaller parts
Prioritize tasks
I use a tool called Toggl and keep tracking the time I am devoting; it’s still on in my browser.
Life is simple. Don’t make it complicated.
Writing is the best gift you can give yourself. Make it super exciting and fruitful.
During writing, if you are checking your phone or switching between other tabs, then you are not writing it.
Writing is different from other tasks.
It’s the connection between you and your mind.
I suggest changing your environment for better results.
Digital writing can give you everything you want, but most importantly, the privilege to share your thoughts.
It’s time to say bye, no, not for Diwali; I have already activated my hustling mode.
By the way, Happy Diwali to you all!
Celebrate the biggest festival of lights.
Secret: We did the newsletter copy within half a day.